Saturday, October 11, 2008

She painted memories of the sea

Hear Ye Hear Ye!
Our NEW Book and Website are ABOUT to become available to the world!
The books are being bound now! As soon as they are in our hands,
we will release the Website for ordering details!


Half-heard in the Stillness said...

Hello! I found my way here from your Flickr site. I spent the evening yesterday gazing at your beautiful photographs and being inspired by all your lovely writing and quotes. I had SUCH a lovely time! Oooh I'm SO glad to have stumbled my way here too. And now I want to tell you I Love love love your blog header... splendiferous!! So, I've got a cup of coffee steaming beside me and I'm off to investigate THIS other smashing place right now.
I hope you are managing to stay well, as sometimes excitement can be lovely but overwhelming too, take care I shall be back often and wish you EVERY GOOD WISH FOR YOUR COMING BOOK.

GeorgiaWoodward said...

Good luck with the Mystic Stroll, and book signing!